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The Research Promotion Committee of ASHRAE manages and supports both the Society-level fundraising and Chapter-level fundraising of the RP Campaign. Traditionally supporting just ASHRAE research, the RP Campaign was expanded 10 years ago to include support of Education & ASHRE Learning Institute (ALI), Endowed Research through ASHRAE Foundation, Young Engineer's in ASHRAE (YEA) programs, ASHRAE Scholarships, and the General/Unrestricted fund. Research, the backbone of ASHRAE, remains the primary fund of the program with over $2 million raised for this program annually.


Over the past 10 years, the Tucson Chapter Board is proud to have directly overseen the creation of several Endowments & Scholarships through the ASHRAE Foundation to benefit and serve the Tucson ASHRAE Chapter moving forward.  Each of the principal investments in these endowments provides a guaranteed 5% annual return through the ASHRAE Foundation on the principal amount in perpetuity to the established purpose.


The Tucson Chapter's RP Goal for 2023-2024 is TBD. Please consider becoming an ASHRAE investor and donating via the one of our many donation options below.


For more information of ASHRAE Endowments or setting up an Endowment, please contact Robert Kunkel, the Tucson Chapter RP Chair at 520-327-7611 or


​Tom McGreal RP Endowment ($3,950.00 currently invested)

Established to honor Tom McGreal for achieving the Chapter Service Award in 2020

Robert Kunkel RP Endowment ($4,246.00 currently invested)

Established by Chapter Past President Robert Kunkel

​Ray Walker Memorial RP Endowment ($3,095.00 currently invested)

Established to honor Chapter Member Rangval (Ray) Walker, who passed away in 2015

Wright Family Scholarship Endowment ($4,850.00 currently invested)

Established by Chapter Past President Buzz Wright

Dave Palty Memorial RP Endowment ($16,990.00 currently invested)

Established to honor Chapter Past President Dave Palty, who passed away in 2020

Tucson Chapter RP Endowment ($16,718.00 currently invested)

Typically from additional proceeds of Chapter Operations and Special Events.

Heidi Roggensack Memorial RP Endowment ($5,750 currently invested)

Established to honor local sales rep. Heidi Roggensack, who passed away in 2022

Eric Buchholz RP Endowment (new endowment this year, none currently invested)

Established to honor Eric Buchholz for achieving the Chapter Service Award in 2020

Bob Kruse Memorial RP Endowment ($3,000 currently invested)

Established to honor ASHRAE Life Member, Bob Kruse, who passed away in 2024


Stan Adams Memorial Undergraduate Student Scholarship ($30,500 currently invested)

Established in 2015 and Completed in 2017, this is Scholarship Endowment was established to honor long time Tucson Mechanical Engineer Stan Adams. This is a $30,500 Scholarship Endowment which funds a $1,500 annual undergraduate scholarship to be selected by the Tucson Student Activities Chair and Scholarship Committee for a local high school Senior or undergraduate pursuing a degree in Mechanical or Architectural Engineering.

Previous Scholarship Recipients

2022 Ruby O'Brien-Metzger

2022 Cory Holmes


Dave Palty Memorial YEA Endowment ($31,005 currently invested)

Completed September 2021, this is joint Endowment set up with the Central Arizona Chapter to honor Tucson Chapter Past President Dave Palty, who passed away in 2020 and his commitment to the younger generation of ASHRAE Members. This is a $31,005 endowment established to provide (2) $750 annual scholarships to have an up and coming YEA member from the Tucson and Central Arizona Chapters attend the annual ASHRAE YEA Leadership Conference.

New for 2023, the Tucson and Central Arizona Chapters in partnership intend to grow this endowment to at least $45,000 to increase the annual benefit per member to (2) $1,125 annual scholarships and/or allow for additional members to addend the ASHRAE YEA Leadership Conference.


Previous Endowment Recipients

2022 Ruby O'Brien-Metzger


All donations submitted via the buttons above will be sent by the Tucson Chapter to ASHRAE Society on your behalf. If you would like to donate to ASHRAE directly you can do so via this link:


We are proud to announce that Tucson chapter's Research Promotion Chair, Robert Kunkel received the ASHRAE 2015 William J. Collins, Jr. Research Promotion Award.  This award is only presented once per year and recognizes the Chapter RP Chair who excels in all activities supporting the campaign, including raising funds for all Society programs and promoting research at the chapter level.  The award is in honor of Presidential Member William J. Collins Jr., who was instrumental in organizing ASHRAE's research promotion program. The presentation took place at Society's Annual Conference in Atlanta Georgia during the Plenary Session on Saturday, June 27, 2015.


As the Chair for the 2013-2014 calendar year, Robert was able to set a new chapter contribution record of $12,381, more than double the total donors and annual chapter goal of $5,500 and nearly $110/area assigned member of the Tucson Chapter.   Robert was also instrumental in setting up the Tucson Chapter ASHRAE Endowment through the ASHRAE Foundation which will help fund the Chapter Research Promotion goals in perpetuity. Robert is continuing on as the chapter RP chair this year.  


Robert Kunkel, P.E. is a Mechanical Engineer with KC Mechanical Engineering, L.L.C.


2023-2024 DONATIONS

2022-2023 DONATIONS

This website is maintained by the Tucson Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not represent the official positions of ASHRAE Society nor reflect ASHRAE Society’s policy. ASHRAE Chapters may not act for the Society and information presented here has not had Society review.  To learn more about the ASHRAE activities on a International level, please visit the ASHRAE home page at


© Copyright 2023 by the ASHRAE Tucson Chapter. Contact our webmaster

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