Looking to join ASHRAE?
ASHRAE members have access to a wealth of resources to impact the industry and rise up in their careers. Membership offers technical resources, professional development opportunities, and a network of over 56,000 professionals across the world. No matter what career or life stage you are in, there is a place for you in ASHRAE.
ASHRAE's Mission and Vision
To serve humanity by advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and their allied fields.
A healthy and sustainable built environment for all.
ASHRAE Offers Four Membership Grades. Click here to find out which one is right for you.
What are the Benefits to Joining ASHRAE?
That is a great question and thank you for asking. Click on the Benefits link to learn more.
What about Member benefits specific to Tucson?
Another great question....
We offer Monthly (September through May) Lunch & Learn Sessions
Multiple Social Events throughout the year
Networking with everyone worth knowing in the Southern Arizona Mechanical Industry, from design through installation and commissioning
