Tucson Chapter Day One, 1/29/1959
January 29th, 1959. The day we officially became the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), Tucson Chapter. To the right is a photo of the actual signed document, that we still have.

Tucson Chapter Technical Session, 10/23/1969
Over the course of three days in October of 1969, the Tucson Chapter held this course on Sound Control at the Tucson Inn Convention Center
Distinguished Service Award, 3/29/1973
March 29th, 1973. Tucson Chapter Member, Richard Tutt is notified that he will be awarded the Distinguished Service Award at the Plenary of the 1973 Annual Conference held in Louisville, Kentucky.

Interesting Articles from History
Article #1 - Experiments on New Method of Heating and Ventilating
Written in 1897, it explains how one could heat a building economically and increase occupants comfort with proper ventilation in tall buildings
Article #2 - A Heat Pump in an Office Building
Written in 1948, it explains the use of a "year round air conditioner" with the largest heat pump to date