ASHRAE is pleased to announce its nominees for the 2023-24 slate of officers and directors.
Nominations for officers and directors were made by the ASHRAE Nominating Committee from a list recommended by individual members and from Chapters Regional Conferences.
The 2023-24 nominees are as follows:
M. Dennis Knight, P.E., BEMP, Fellow Life Member ASHRAE
Bill McQuade, P.E., LEED AP, Fellow ASHRAE
Vice Presidents:
Billy Austin, P.E., BCxP, BEAP, BEMP, CHD, HBDP, HFDP, OPMP, Fellow ASHRAE
Ashish Rakheja
Wade Conlan, BCxP
Chandra Sekhar, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE
Directors and Regional Chairs:
Scott Peach, P.E., FPE (Region VII)
Joe Sanders (Region VIII)
Jonathan Smith, P.E., CEM, LEED AP (Region IX)
Buzz Wright, P.E., FPE (Region X)
Mahroo Eftekhari (Region XIV)
Doug Cochrane, P.Eng., LEED AP
Corey Metzger, P.E.,
Heather Schopplein, P.E.
Alternate Director-at-Large:
Patrick Marks, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE