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2022-2023 Society Presidential Theme Announced

Farooq Mehboob, 2022-23 ASHRAE President

Farooq Mehboob, Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member is ASHRAE’s President for the 2022-23 term. Mehboob previously served on the ASHRAE Board of Directors as president-elect, treasurer, vice president and region-at-large director and regional chair.

For his time and commitment to ASHRAE and the HVAC&R industry, Mehboob is the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Regional Award of Merit. As director and regional chair, Mehboob worked hard to improve communications and became a true advocate for ASHRAE’s globalization efforts. In 2016, Mehboob was a part of ASHRAE’s first international board meeting in Bangkok.

Mehboob’s theme for the 2022-23 ASHRAE Society Year is “Securing Our Future.”

“A meaningful and powerful future will not come to us…we must collectively seek it…create it…SECURE it. And that’s what we’ll do because that’s who we are. It’s in our ASHRAE DNA. We need to be diverse, equitable and inclusive to see, understand and take advantage of what is changing, for our success. The two key prerequisites for ASHRAE’s diversity are: transparency and participation.”

To learn more about our Society President and his Presidential Theme, visit:


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